Colin Dexter’s appearances in Endeavour.


Hi Mateys. Though I have already spotted Colin in the Endeavour episodes and put that information in my series of posts on the connections between the Endeavour series and Morse and Lewis, that was only done in picture form.

Having already done videos on the appearances of Colin in the Morse and Lewis series’ I thought it only made sense to create one on his appearances in the newest addition to the Morse universe, Endeavour. This video only has the first 13 episodes. For the other ten appearances scroll below the video to see them.

I hope you all enjoy.

A update to this post (17/07/2016). A follower of my blog, Fran, believes she may have found Colin in the final episode, ‘Coda’. I think she may be right. Colin’s appearance happens during the concert Endeavour attends at 14 minutes and 20 seconds. Fran believes Colin is one of the cello players; the one where we only see the back of his head. Why would the camera linger on the back of this person’s head unless they were leaving a clue to something important. What do you all think of this idea?


Endeavour S4E1 ‘Game’:

As most of you will know Colin Dexter did not be appear in the series four episodes due to ill health. However the producers have made sure that he appears in the episode in one way or another. In this episode Colin’s picture hangs in the office of Dorothea Frazil.


Endeavour: Series 4, Episode 2 ‘Canticle’:

In this episode Colin’s picture appears in the newspaper shown near the end of the episode.


Endeavour: Series 4, Episode 3, ‘Lazaretto’:

In this episode Colin’s picture appears as a caricature in a drawing on the hospital ward.

Endeavour: Series 4, Episode 4, ‘Harvest’:

It took two viewings to find Mr Dexter and it is a rather cunning way to have him in the show if not physically.



The newspaper is being read by George Fancy in Lewis Peek’s first scene in the police station.


ENDEAVOUR: ‘Passenger’ S5E3:

A lovely tribute to Colin. Employee of the month? Perversely he was our employee. We handed him our hard earned cash and he wrote many excellent books for all of us. 🙂


ENDEAVOUR: ‘Quartet’ S5E5;

Difficult one this week. I could be wrong in this but the chap who was sitting at the back of the pub in the final scene did have a look of Colin Dexter.

Also, Endeavour looks at him as the scene fades to black.


I’m not 100% sure but… This is during the scene when Thursday and Strange are interviewing Blackwell.

I hope you all enjoyed the post. Remember to subscribe.

Author: Chris Sullivan

Up until a few years ago I was my mum's full time carer. She died in, 2020, of Covid. At the moment I am attempting to write a novel.

19 thoughts

  1. I believe that I located Colin in Coda, towards the beginning during the chamber music segment. Take a look at the way the camera pans the musicians. Two of them are panned quickly, then the camera slowly, and in full frame, pans the back of the head of the cello, player as making a point of lingering. I watched three time to find Colin and finally came back to the cello player frame. It must be him! the back of his head may be a clever visual of “coda”… Colin playing cello in the finale. 🙂

    1. Hi Nasir and thanks for commenting. The scene still begs the question, why does the camera linger so long on the back of the head of one of the cellists. There is always the possibility they shot Colin’s scene at an earlier or later date. Colin has not been keeping well these last few years so it is always possible they reshot a scene just so they could have Colin in the episode. However, thanks for commenting and lucky you getting to watch the filming.

  2. Thanks a lot, so nice to see all the scenes, I can see I differential missed a lot of scenes with him 😉

  3. Colin Dexter passed away in March 2017, months before filming of the 5th series began in August. Unless some older footage of a pub scene with Dexter already existed and was inserted at the end of episode 5 (Quartet), it’s doubtful that he actually is the blurry man in the background.

    Perhaps the producers decided to hire a body double for him?

    1. I know that it couldn’t be Colin that is why I believed the man was a lookalike. In the episodes of the same series he is portrayed in a picture, painting or in a newspaper. So, because I couldn’t find anything similar I assumed that they used a lookalike.

  4. Hello!
    Since not read all articles (yet) I might be second on the ball here, but I think I’ve spotted Mr. Dexter in S01E4 (Home) at the meeting for Booth Hill developments?

      1. Ah, thank you!
        And I saw it now in the video as well!
        Not just second, eh? Wrong matchday…

  5. Chris, my condolences in the passing of your mum. I’m a carer ( my wife, 43 MS) so I think I can appreciate what you’ve done. And yet, you still found time to produce this remarkable…blog? Site? Love of the character we all adore, Endeavor Morse, so thank you for such a sterling job.
    I love trying to find Colin Dexter and I am not sure you mentioned his appearance in the episode, ‘ Colours’, but I am sure Mr Dexters image is there in the portrait of a Commanding Officer on the wall of the Officers Mess.

    1. Thank you Al for your kind and thoughtful words. I’m sadden to read of your wife’s condition and I hope she is as well as can be expected. Please take of your yourself, mentally and physically, as that is something I declined to do for too many years while caring for my my mum. All my reviews contain the ‘appearance’ of Colin.
      Take care Al.

  6. Episode 2-3, Sway, Colin Dexter is a passenger on the bus when Joan says goodbye to Win.

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