REUPLOAD FOR USA VIEWERS: ENDEAVOUR: S6E4, Degüello. Review + Locations, Literary References, Music etc. SPOILERS

Hello Endeavourists and welcome to the final upload for the sixth series. As always I hope this post finds you all well and happy.

As before if anyone knows of a scene that was excised or truncated in this episode let me know and I will post those scenes.

Please click the link below to find the review.

ENDEAVOUR: S6EP4, Degüello. Review + Locations, Literary References, Music etc. SPOILERS

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Author: Chris Sullivan

Up until a few years ago I was my mum's full time carer. She died in, 2020, of Covid. At the moment I am attempting to write a novel.

16 thoughts

  1. Is everyone left hanging on what happened to Max at the end? Obviously he can’t be killed, but the last we saw in US was him tied up, at the start of the “fight”…
    And how come Bright’s wife who is dying of lung cancer has no oxygen?

    1. They left out a bit near the end when they were packing box off in the ambulance & Max walks up, bloodied but unbowed, fussing about his broken glasses. He’s fine.

  2. Either we didn’t see that or I missed it. Ronnie falls, Morse “frozen.” “call an ambulance” tower with seagulls. Cut to office “burkitt turns queens” Or where else would that release be?

  3. That is where I would have guessed. USA viewers left hanging “what happened to Max” knowing only that he has to survive….

    1. They left out a bit near the end when they were packing box off in the ambulance & Max walks up, bloodied but unbowed, fussing about his broken glasses. He’s fine.

    When they first find the little pottery figurine in Nicholsons rooms, Morse(?) calls it a golem & goes on to explain what that is. That whole bit was left out – which weakens later uses of the word which people could’ve even completely missed as a result.

    The kids recognized Bright from the pelican ad before he turned the corner to find the hitmen, but they sliced that out and only showed them rushing round the corner afterwards, which gave their behaviour no context & must’ve seemed really weird.

    Near the end, as they’re packing Box off in the ambulance, DeBryn walks up, bloodied but seeming otherwise fine just fussing about his broken glasses

    This was my second viewing. I streamed the UK version a few days ago & watched this partly to see what was missed & partly to get clearer on what happened. That helped me understand why it took so much concentration this season: This season’s episodes seem rushed – dry, clipped, quickly going from scene to scene. No pace setting or even place setting – no real scenic shots or moments for atmosphere or breathing. Very different certainly from Morse 1 or Lewis. And maybe even previous Endeavours. I wonder if this is in the editing more than the directing because the directors vary, but they would keep the same editor/s ?..

    On your comments, Chris: I think the injured mother might not have scars because we don’t know how long afterwards we would have seen her, so, maybe….
    But totally agree with you about the ending! Aside from it being not remotely believable – I can’t help wondering if RL just intended it to be tongue in cheek humorous for the helluvit. This whole season, and especially that, was not in the tradition at all. I chose ultimately just to be relieved we’ll be back to our little family by S7, but it feels like the whole approach doesn’t bode well… And we want our music back…

    On a funnier note – in from across the pond here these are hilarious:


  5. “The kids recognized Bright from the pelican ad before he turned the corner to find the hitmen, but they sliced that out and only showed them rushing round the corner afterwards, which gave their behaviour no context & must’ve seemed really weird.” Actually the one we watched here did have at least a little bit of that with the children saying “its the pelican man” before Bright sees the hit men. [California]. I was actually thankful about that because with all the cutting of Bright and the pelican I was afraid they’d cut the whole saved by the children episode.

  6. Quite a lot of comments, Chris! Mahalo for thoroughness, as always – Edwina

    – Bright with his wife after the collapse of Cranmer House – no dialog (recriminations of their time in India, i.e. their daughter – he wasn’t there)
    – Bright’s entry into ACC Bottom’s club
    – Morse at Wicklesham (the beginning and the end)
    – Morse contacting Miss Teagarden for an appointment – he just shows up at the house (first contact)
    – Bright and his wife when he receives the ominous phone call
    – The gun scene at Wicklesham – sped up for American audiences
    – The wrap up at Castlegate; gosh, they made it into an episode of CSI, it was disgusting. The original ITV broadcast made the denouement like a logical next step for the city men leading into series 7. This PBS broadcast was tailored for an American audience like we’re too stupid to comprehend British drama – I’m offended by that!

    – The discussion of the golem, it’s significance and why it was left in Dr Nicholson’s drawer
    – The phone call to Bright to meet ACC Bottom on the street
    – Two-bob “shite” hawk – “shite” wasn’t even in the closed captioning! “Cowson” got in!
    – No after scene at Wicklesham with Dr DeBryn saying “bugger” about his glasses being broken
    – Series wide: the pelican advert. When the thugs tried to murder Bright on the street and the kids “saved” him asking for his autograph, it was never explained why that was. So frustratingly stupid that PBS left out that whole storyline. I say fire that editor!

    Colin Dexter sightings
    – I was excited to find another besides the one in the junkie house (Dexter Was Here)
    – Hollis Binks’ effects had a box of matches that Morse went through during the post-mortem “C Dexter Matches”

    PBS red letter clue in the credits
    – Dulce domum or sweet home

    – Is the music during the Fred/Win and phone call scene the same in the PBS broadcast as the ITV broadcast? It has “Degüello” in the lyrics but knowing there are several versions, who knows what version actually was included in Sunday’s broadcast.

    1. Hi Edwina. I’m not sure about truncated scene with Morse contacting Miss Teagarden. I can’t find a scene where Morse contacts her for an appointment. I have him visiting at around the 31st minute but can’t find anything before that. I do have Miss Teagarden contacting him later in the episode by phone. I’m also unsure as to the scene you mention when Bright receives the ominous call. Is the scene that is part of a montage of Fred sitting at home and Strange taking down the picture of Fancy? If it is I have included that in my post.

  7. Beautiful, Edwina. Regarding the “Deguello” in PBS it was posted on facebook by lady named Katherine Daniels that her father sang it. American singer and she herself sang background vocals. Note by her: “This song is only played in the Worldwide version, so it will not be heard in the U.K. version.”

    1. Barbara – I remember seeing Katherine’s post and wasn’t sure if it referred to that song. That is so awesome! I will remember to find her post and comment. Thank you so much for the referral!

  8. I’m in Texas. How can I stream the UK versions? I can only assume that the episodes of Lewis are also truncated/edited for Masterpiece. How can one go about obtaining the UK non-truncated/edited versions? Even the DVDs are the Masterpiece versions. BAH!!!

    1. I’m afraid you need to buy the UK DVDs and play them on a multi regional DVD player.

  9. Martha, Strangely enough, I purchased them from Amazon Streaming well after they were aired on British and American TV. They are the same as the British versions even though on the bottom of title picture on Amazon of seasons 1-5 it says PBS because they had all the missing scenes that the PBS Masterpiece TV show did not. But the Amazon streaming versions did not have all the commercials/donors names that PBS TV episodes had; hence the full versions. I found that by accident by going through the Amazon streaming versions and the PBS versions which I had recorded from TV when they were shown on PBS and sent the scenes to Chis. From now on, though, I am buying the DVD’s from ITV, as I did with Series 6.

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