UPDATE: More Missing and Truncated Scenes in the Endeavour Episode CONFECTION.

Hello Endeavourists. As most of you will know I published a post recently with a breakdown of the Confection episode scene by scene. I asked if American viewers could identify missing or edited scenes from episode they watched in the States. Of course, not all regions in the USA have missing or edited scenes but it seems that many do.

Thank you to all those who took the time to meticulously go through the episode, especially Barbara and Edwina,  and find those missing or edited scenes.

Let’s get started. If the scene is one that was completely missing I will include a short part of the two scenes either side of the missing scene with the time, (Of course the time will be based on the British DVD version).

First up is a scene with Sarah Clamp talking to Ronnie Box and Fred Thursday. This happens around the one hour and 10 minute mark.

Up next is a very short scene where we see the body of the murdered Mandy-Jane Bell. This is around the 9 minute mark.

For those who missed it before here is the scene with Bright and his wife that was shortened.

Next up we have a shortened scene when Morse meets Max in the college where the young student was found dead.

Now we have a short scene where Morse is at his desk looking through evidence. This is about the 38 minute mark.

Next is a shortened scene. Morse is in his office and is joined by Jim Strange. At the 58 minute mark.

A missing scene is between Jago and Fred at about the 15 minute mark.


Well that seems to be that. Of course, if anyone spots another missing or edited scene please let me know.

Thank you for all your support. Take care.

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Author: Chris Sullivan

Up until a few years ago I was my mum's full time carer. She died in, 2020, of Covid. At the moment I am attempting to write a novel.

23 thoughts

  1. Such wonderful scenes to be left out. I’m glad I bought the DVD of Series 6 as they have all the full scenes. And the song in Confection is NOT Roy Orbison’s IN DREAMS even on the DVD. Also, in Apollo as you have said, Chris, even on the DVD the song playing on the record player is not Mad About the Boy when Fred comes home. Now it makes more sense to me as to why he is upset when he hears it and then goes to the dance studio to see Win dancing with a man.

  2. Hi Kathleen, Thankyou for firmly stating that the song in the opening scene of Confection is NOT Roy Orbison’s IN DREAMS but what is it then. I have been searching for hours in an attempt to find this song with no success. I have written to PBS also to ask if anyone can help with this but haven’t received a reply as yet.

    1. Hi John. I think it was already well established it was only Roy Orbison in the British broadcast of the show. I asked Russell Lewis but he had no idea and I have asked Mammoth who with ITV create Endeavour but as yet no answer.

      1. Thankyou Chris.
        I can’t remember whether I replied to you earlier but I have to say that the opening song on Series 6 Ep 3 ‘Confection’ is definitely not anything by Roy Orbison where I reside. The recording of the episode I made here in Portland Oregon (OPB) PBS I’ve kept so that I can again listen to this beautiful song. A lot of corresponders insist that Roy Orbison’s In Dreams is the opener. In some areas this must be true but it’s not here where I am. So………….the mystery continues. It is just so bizarre that no-one can identify the broadcast edition shown here in the Portland area.
        Kind regards, John

  3. Mahalo for the shout-out, Chris. I hope to “see” you and fellow Twitch viewers this Sunday. Until then, looking forward to a double Morse/Endeavour Sunday.

  4. Just watched episode 3 series 6 of Endeavour, and the opening song is definitely In Dreams, sung by Roy Orbison.

    1. It definitely was not ‘In Dreams’ and it definitely was not Roy Orbison either on the recording I watched here in West Linn, Oregon.
      I still have the episode on my TV and wish I knew of a way to get it onto this site. Here are the first few lines of the song I have: ‘In the still of the night, I drift away – and in that twilight hour, I hear you say – we’ll meet again as true lovers do – but til we meet again, I’ll dream of you – with every breath, I dream of you – with every thought, I dream of you – I dream you’re mine til the end of time – til then i’ll dream of you, of you – the moonlight doesn’t thrill me – the stars have lost their charm…………………..
      With every possible contact to find this without success, it continues to be quite a mystery.

  5. It is SO not Roy Orbison, and more importantly, it is someone whose voice should be acknowledged as FABULOUS. The lyrics are lame and imitative but the song and the voice… got to know who that is!!

  6. Hello Elizabeth, How well you have described it all. What pleases me a lot too is that finally, someone else has recognized that it is NOT Roy Orbison or anything by Roy Orbison. I have written to PBS, sought on line for an answer, tried many avenues to no avail; not even a reply from anyone. It is bizarre that there is no identification for the origins of this beautiful song.

  7. I’m sure these substituted songs we have discussed were written and performed solely for the episodes. There are quite a few, and the lyrics are not available in search engines; therefore they are not released recordings.

    1. Hi Suze,
      Why would the producers, or whoever, pay to have a song written with lyrics ( not great but written with feeling) for this episode and use a well known Roy Orbison recording for the same episode broadcast somewhere else. I don’t think it makes sense.

      1. “In Dreams” was used for the original broadcast as it’s a song now indelibly associated with David Lynch’s “Blue Velvet”, which opens in a very similar way to this episode of Endeavour and is clearly – *clearly* – being alluded to. But “In Dreams” is, I would imagine, expensive to get the global rights for, so a soundalike has been used for subsequent/overseas releases.

        I’m not surprised to hear it’s not available commercially, because I think there are probably legally actionable similarities there and nobody would want to tempt fate (or litigation). Honestly, “In Dreams” is a particularly idiosyncratic song – no real chorus, a slow build through a number of different chord structures – and the lyric similarities here are also unmistakable. This one kinda lacks the elegaic grief of “In Dreams” – the latter’s real claim to immortality – but let’s face it, a knockoff is about the best you can do.

  8. Thank you for your work, here. (deep breath)…
    NOT HAPPY. What a frikkin’ disaster. We watched it on TV, ALL OF IT, then watched the DVD’s feeling all along that something was STILL wrong. Finally, we sussed it out – scenes were cut and Masterpiece (crap) Theatre stole the time for fund-raising or whatever – Darlene Shiley and Alan Cummings (whatever) blathering away, stealing precious time from the plot, the dialogue and the simple human interactions between already emotionally stunted Brits (sorry!) and their elliptical code language (whatever, again).

    Boy, we were, and still are, peeved to Sweet Fanny……

    All caps and “whatever” is meant to express our perfect and complete displeasure. Whew! – I sound like Bright, for god’s sake.

    Signed, “PO’ed in Upstate Manhattan”.

    Thanks, again.

  9. Thank you so much for posting these scenes, as I, an unfortunate American, was not able to see them when the episodes aired on PBS. At the time I thought I’d just wait until the dvds came out, and then the dvds were also the edited version! So I was not happy!

    Again, thanks. It’s nice to actually be able to watch these.

    1. What many people in America and elsewhere do is buy a multi region DVD player and this then allows them to buy and play the British DVDs.

  10. The episode was aired here in Denmark on December 7, and the opening song is NOT Roy Orbinson “In Dreams”. I’ve spent over a week to find the song, but has finally ended up on this page and mystery solved.

    1. Hi Leo. I assume you are writing about the first song in the Endeavour episode, Confection. In the original British broadcast the song is Roy Orbison’s In Dreams. Are you stating that the US version is a song by Matt Malone?

  11. When I started to watch the episode on Amazon Prime just now, this song drove me crazy. It sounded so much like Orbison’s “In Dreams,” yet the melody and lyrics were off, and the voice wasn’t Orbison’s. I hit pause and went over to Tunefind because I had to know what was up and found that American broadcasts substituted Matt Malone’s song. Okay, makes sense, but that’s not what Amazon used; that song sounds nothing like Orbison’s. So I fired up my iPod, listened to “In Dreams” again, then restarted the video, and finally recognized what the Amazon version had done: had an orchestra play something close to Orbison’s original backing track and laid a new, Orbison-esque melody on top of it.

    Mystery solved; now back to the episode.

    1. In the original British broadcast of the episode, we heard the original Roy Orbison song. However, due to problems with cost the USA didn’t use the original Roy Orbison song. A website subscriber wrote to PBS and this was their response, “Yes I confirmed that Tom Kelly (Barrington’s assistant on ENDEAVOUR) wrote the song, Tim Dickinson was on vocals. This was created for the US version as Roy Orbison was too expensive to clear.”
      Roy Orbison “In Dreams” (UK) / Tom Kelly “I Dream Of You” (US). I hope this helps.

  12. I know very little about music but I don’t have to, to know that the singing was not Tim Dickinson’s range. 🙂 Upon my first viewing of Confection (on PBS’ Masterpiece) it was obviously a Roy Orbison knock-off. It’s a catchy tune but kind of comical when he tries to hit the high notes. Upon subsequent viewings I wondered if he might be imitating Frank Ifield who had a hit around the same time in USA. So I tried to research to find out what was actually playing on the UK version of Confection, and I found the answer here. Thank you.

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