CONFECTION S6E3: Missing and truncated scenes from some regions of the USA.

Hello everyone and welcome to a new post. Unlike previous posts on the sixth series no one has reported any missing scenes from the episode and only one truncated scene. If it’s true that there is no missing scenes from some regions of the USA then that is rather unusual but good news for viewers. It is possible that there is more than one truncated scene and it can be more difficult to notice them.

So, what I thought I would do is to make a list of all the scenes in the episode accompanied by a screencap and American readers can let me know if they spot any scenes that were missing from the episode they watched.

However, up first we have the truncated scene. It is the scene with Bright and his wife.


Now we have my breakdown of the episode to find out if there are missing scenes. Eyes peeled Americans. 🙂

We have the opening montage of scenes involving the many residents of the village.

It also includes the shooting of Mandy-Jane Bell shot by her husband Rennet Bell and the titles. The montage lasts for around two and a half minutes.

Next scene is the riders getting ready for the fox hunt. Sarah Clamp complains of a headache and doesn’t join the hunt. The scene lasts for about two minutes.

Next we have Strange arriving to meet Morse and Max and the Drug taker died by overdose. herion laced with quinine

Scene lasts for  just over a minute.

Up next we have Fred talking to a informer and notices DS Alan Jago inside a shop.

A 20 second scene.

Next we are back to the hunt and it starts with an aerial shot. It continues with the hunt and dogs. The father’s horse is lame and he takes his horse.

This scene only lasts about 20 seconds.

Next scene is at the police station with Fred and Endeavour. Morse show Fred medals found on the dead drug taker.

Scene is about 20 seconds long.

Back to the hunt in the next scene with Cresswell returning to the house with the lame horse. It continues with Cresswell on the phone. He then looks for Sarah.

Lasts for only about 20 seconds.

Next is a very short scene with the postman saying hello to farmer Brown as he drives by.

In the next scene we return to the hunt as they return home and then we see them eating. Then the butler notices Greville Cresswell’s horse returning sans the rider.

The scene is about a minute long.

Next we have the hunt out looking for Greville Cresswell and find him dead.

Again it is a short 30 second scene.

After the above we are back at the police station with Fred, Morse, Jago and Box discussing the death of Cresswell.

Next we see the body of Mandy-Jane Bell before we go to Endeavour, Fred, Max etc at the scene of Cresswell’s body. The local police man is there as well.

Scene lasts for about a minute.

Up next we have Fred and Morse visiting the stately home of the Cresswells. They talk to the family.

The above scene lasts for about three minutes.

Cut to the village with Fred and Endeavour in the car. Endeavour looks to talk to the vet and bumps into Frazil.

Scene lasts for about a minute.

We move to Endeavour visiting the vet’s house and meets Isla Fairford, the vet’s daughter.

Scene lasts for about a minute.

Next Fred talks to Jago in the village.

30 second scene.

Back to Morse talking to the vet.

Lasts for about two minutes.

Next we have Morse looking at the house for let and then meeting Fred and Jago and the local policeman.

30 second scene.

Next we have Morse and local constable in the car and then finding the dead body of Mandy-Jane Bell. Morse enters the Bell house looking for any inhabitants.

The above lasts for about three minutes. Morse also discovers the dead farmer Bell in his bedroom.

Next we have Endeavour, Fred and Max looking over the dead body of Mandy-Jane Bell.

It then moves onto Fred, jago, Morse talking to the local constable.

Another 30 – 40 minute scene.

Then we move to the mortuary. Max asks the brother of Mandy jane Bell to identify her.

The above moves quickly on to Endeavour searching the Bell household. He finds a card from the game Happy Families.

The above scene lasts for about a minute before moving onto Fred and Ronnie interviewing Mandy’s brother.

Quickly after the above we are back at the Bell home with Endeavour and the local constable discussing the poison pen letters at the kitchen table.

The above is another one minute scene before it moves to the Vet playing Happy Families with his grandson and daughter.

This 30 second scene moves to a short ten second scene of the Cresswell family at the dinner table.

Next we have the scene that involves Bright and his wife.

The above scene lasts for about two minutes.

We then move onto the police station with Endeavour, Fred and Ronnie and Jago. About Morse finding the card at Bells and the poison pen letters.

Above scene lasts for about a minute.

Next Fred and Morse visit the Creesswell factory.

The next scene is still in the factory with one of the Cresswell brothers taking Fred and Morse around the factory to see Judith Neal.

Next scene still in the factory with the brothers looking down on the workers.

After the above we move back to the police station with Fred , Morse and Ronnie. 

They are discussing Mandy and her possibly affair with Cresswell. Lasts for nearly two minutes.

Cut to Morse entering a college and meeting two policemen. He then meets Max looking over the dead student.

Max and Morse walk through the college with Morse talking about his looking for a flat and about the dead derelict.

Next Endeavour visits the dead student’s room and find s part of a card in the fireplace.

Cut to Fred returning home and Win getting ready for going out. They talk.

back at the police station Endeavour is at his desk looking over the items found at the student’s room and then it cuts to Morse talking to Ronnie and Fred walks in.

Next we have Bright in his office. He phones someone. (we learn later it was Max he was phoning).

After this short scene we cut to Morse talking to he local constable and the postman.

Cut to constable and Endeavour walking through the village talking about the dead student and the policeman was a boyfriend of Mandy many years previously.

Next Morse talks to Letty Clamp outside her shop in the village.

After the above scene Morse talks to the vet’s daughter at the village pond.

She tells Morse she received a poison pen letter. She also tells Morse that her husband left her for another woman.

Next we have Morse visiting the Stately home and finds Clemmie Creswell crying because her horse was put down by the vet. Morse also talks to Sarah Clamp.

Morse looks around the stable. The above is a two or three minute scene.

Cut to the Vet doing the crossword and Morse coming around to collect the vet’s daughter to take her out for the evening,

After the 30 second above we move to Fred coming home to an empty home. he leaves quickly.

Next we have the scene with Bright and Max. Bright is asking Max about his ill wife and who he would recommend.

After the sublimely moving scene above we move to Fred visiting the dance studio to see Win dancing with a man.

After the very short scene above we move to Endeavour and his date in the local pub.

After the minute long scene above we find Clemmie Creswell listening at the door as the two Cresswell brothers argue.

Cut back to Morse walking Isla Fairford home.

After the scene above we have a short scene with Rupert Cresswell listening to his brother leave the house.

Next we have Strange walking into Morse’s office to find him asleep in his chair.

Strange tells Morse to watch sis back and trust no one.

Next we have Fred and Ronnie in a pub. Ronnie hands Fred an envelope full of money.

After the above two to three minute scene we are then back at the Stately home with Clemmie and Sarah at the having breakfast and then joined bu Rupert.

Rupert then drives to the factory with Sarah and finds Murray dead.

Next we have Fred, Max, Jago and Morse at the factory and looking over Murray’s body.

Next we have Jago and Morse at the vet’s house talking about Murray.

After the scene above where Jago says that Morse knows the vet has a gun we cut to Rupert grieving. He is talking to Ronnie and Fred. Sarah slaps Clemmie after she accused Rupert of killing Murray.

We are then back at the vets where he is showing Jago and Morse where he keeps his gun which should be in his car, but it isn’t there.

Next we have Clemmie talking to Ronnie and Fred at the dining table. Clemmie tells them that Murray said he had to go back to the factory to do some work.

Cut back to the vet’s house where he tells Jago and Morse that a call had come in the night before.

After the short scene above we then see Fred and Ronnie talking to Sarah Clamp outside the factory.

back to the police station and Ronnie, Jago, Fred and Morse are talking about the letters.

Next we have the Greengorcer watching the postman and then that short scene is followed by a very short scene of someone putting a card into an envelope.

The next scene is in Fred’s office where he tells Morse he knows of his date with Isla.

In the above scene Morse asks Fred where it has got him being first and last a copper.

We are then back to the factory where we find Morse looking around the factory floor and then the secretary’s office. He finds out that she is the agony aunt.

Judith Neal walks in as Morse is looking around.

We then next find Morse back at the Bell’s home. 

He finds a newspaper clipping.

Back then to Morse at his desk looking at the newspaper clipping. Fred walks in and tells Morse about the phone records.

After the short scene above we then move back to the village. Fred and Morse then appear at Isla and her father the vet’s home.

She tells them she received a poison pen letter. The scene continues with Morse telling of his suspicions. the scene is inter cut with Isla typing poison pen letters and the postman collecting them. Also cut into the above scene is scenes with the vet leaving on the hoax call and the Cresswell’s being disturbed at dinner. Then we see Murray being show by Isla.

The scene then cuts to Isla being dragged off into a police car.

In the same scene Fred asks Morse if he is ok.

Cut then to Morse in his office and receiving a phone call.

After the above scene we then cut to Morse being met by Max and Bright at a car crash.

Next Morse returns to the police station to look for Fred.

The last scene is Morse seeing Fred through the restaurant window with Ronnie and the rest of his men.


So, of course if you find that there are missing scenes then leave a comment or write to me directly via the contact me option at the top of the page.

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Author: Chris Sullivan

Up until a few years ago I was my mum's full time carer. She died in, 2020, of Covid. At the moment I am attempting to write a novel.

18 thoughts

  1. This will come in pieces. Thanks for the full scene with Bright and his wife. So, missing from the scene with Bright and wife is not only that she went to see Julian [the doctor] but also missing is her commentary on his being a “film star” and commenting on how well he did on TV.

    will look at the rest off and on today.

    1. Thanks Barbara. They had to cut out the mention of the Pelican advert as they had edited that advert from the first episode. So, any mention of it would be confusing for viewers.

  2. We don’t see Mandy Jane in between the police station and meeting Max at Creswell’s body.

  3. Mahalo, as always, for your thoroughness, Chris. I did see folks inquiring as to the American PBS broadcast version of “In Dreams” as it was NOT Roy Orbison (as in the ITV broadcast and much missed!) and who is the actor that portrayed Rennett Bell, as it was not included in the credits or IMDB. If you have “furthers and betters”, that would be much appreciated by our Morse community!

  4. We do have the eating after the hunt and one of the maids looking at them as if to say, you guys are gluttons and rude eaters….

  5. You forgot the part where Endeavour sees the “to Let” sign on a house after leaving the vets office.. we have that…

  6. Whoops.. no you didn’t. We didn’t see that little bit of Fred and Jago in between Endeavour talking to the vet’s daughter and talking to the vet.

  7. you know, going through this makes me realize [again] what effort you go through to do this. I have your post on the computer and stepping through the episode on my phone. So to repeat we go right from talking to the vet’s daughter to talking to the vet. Next one probably minor but instead of seeing Endeavour at his desk we jump right to Box looking at the corner of the happy family card.

  8. Have to take a break now. Morse is just pulling up to the Creswell’s house and the timing is 43:30 done and 39:21 to go.

  9. Ok I lied. Well, I don’t know how to straighten this out, but we have the vet, and the vet not finding the gun all together, and then after that Sarah slapping clemmie and all that. Doesn’t seem that anything is missing, just in different order.

  10. We do have the black gloved hand putting the letter in the envelope. that was so Midsomer.

  11. The end. Rest seems ok. What an ending… both Harry looking out the window and Morse walking away from Thursday.

  12. I find it frustrating that, after waiting three months to see Series 6 in Canada via the US PBS stations, the Bright storyline seems to be receiving so much of the hatchet. I do hope that the DVD release will be the original ITV edits.

  13. Thanks for the recap of a fantastic episode. Curious is anyone knows who the actress is that played Mandy-Jane Bell? As a non-speaking role, she doesn’t appear to be credited anywhere.

  14. Hi Chris,
    Great work on this post (for all of your post actually). In the scene after Morse’s date with Isla, where Jim Strange walks into Morse’s office and finds him sleeping, the PBS version cut out the part where Morse tells Strange that he met someone and that ‘it could be something’. I think they should have left that in – it gives more background into Morse’s failed love life. Oh well, if PBS allotted two hours to show Endeavour (like they do for Sherlock) we could see the entire episode.
    Thanks for all your work,
    Bebe Larson

  15. Chris – just ran through your ITV version again and this is my assessment of missing scenes:
    – the first view of M-J Bell before the team goes to the site of Greville Cresswell’s body in the woods with the local bobby
    – Fred confronting Jago in the village about what happened in the city (the envelope)
    – Morse meeting two policemen when he goes to Oxford for the suicide – my recollection is he only speaks with Max inside the room
    – Fred and Ronnie talking to Sarah Clamp outside the factory after the murder of Murray Cresswell
    Mahalo! Edwina

  16. Yes I will agree with Edwina. The one(?) place I missed was Sarah Clamp talking to Fred and Ronnie. We go right from the Creswell home to the Police station talking about the letters.

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