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Live Stream of Morse Episode, THE SILENT WORLD OF NICHOLAS QUINN on Twitch, SUNDAY 24th march; 9pm GMT. Watch and Chat.

Hello everyone and welcome to a new post or to be more precise an announcement. I hope you are all well.

The first live stream, The Dead of Jericho, was good fun.

So, over the next weeks I am hoping to live stream all 33 of the Morse episodes on Twitch. Twitch is one of the biggest social media sites in the world which allows people to live stream their activities which is normally video games but not for me.

I am hoping that many of you will be able to join me on Sunday the 24th March at 9pm GMT. That is around 1pm Pacific Time and around 5pm Eastern Daylight Time.

Here is where to find me on Twitch;

To ‘chat’ (this means to type in the chat window that runs alongside the video) you need to register but that is all rather simple. It’s only a matter of choosing a screen name and entering your email address.

I hope to see many of your there.

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